I use the original Slovak dough recipe from my childhood which is a thinner dough that allows for more filling. I'd like to you savor each bite, so you are getting a mouth full of the delicious filling and just a little bit of dough. I use only fresh ingredients and strive to buy from locally grown farmers. The pierogies can be eaten as a main meal, or as an appetizer. My dessert Pierogies are wonderful with a hot cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. Pierogies can be enjoyed any time of the year, so keep a few dozen in your freezer for those cravings that I am sure you will have throughout the year. Pierogies make a great gift, too. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy making them for you.
I believe in the "family table" and breaking bread together. I wanted to share my favorite childhood holiday foods with friends, but I could not find authentic prune pierogies to purchase locally, and when I searched the internet, I only found 'plum or plum butter' filled pierogies. Since I have a passion for cooking, I decided to get out my mother's Slovak holiday cookbook and I cooked up a trial batch of pierogies. They were such a hit and turned out so good, how could I not want to share them with you!!! Please enjoy!
My goal is to give you the exact quality of Pierogi that I would serve to my own family. I feel the most peace, happiness and fulfillment when I am cooking.
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